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We have several items that are not normal issue Plain Talks, but are interesting and seem to fit in here.

Newspaper section about the new Edison Plaza Offices   PDF
Published by the Beaumont Enterprise on May 6, 1982, This 12 page insert describes the new Edison Plaza offices. Thanks to Rene Westbrook for sharing this with us.

A history of GSU by J.B. Coltharp and others   PDF
J.B Coltharp wrote "The Story of Electrical Service in Beamont" in 1934. It starts in 1888. In 1955 "J.M.S." of the GSU Advertising Depatment added an five page addendum covering 1934 to 1955. There are many interesting and entertaining things described. Well worth the time to read through.
Table of Contents with links to each section including the page number in the PDF if you prefer to download and browse through it that way.
Thanks to Stephen Smith who found this and shared it with us and to Milton Smith for sharing it with Mr. Coltharp's family.

70 Years of Covers   PDF
A commemorative Plain Talks issue from 1993 which describes each decade from the 1920's to 1990's. The issue features images of the covers from selected Plain Talks issues during each decade. Previous Plain Talks editors and writers wrote the descriptions of each decade.

GSU Oldies But Goodies 50th Anniversary Recipes circa 1975   PDF
A selection of recipes showing us how to use every electrical cooking device generally available at the time.
Table of Contents with links to each page

Calendar of Company History   PDF
A calendar for February 1982 through January 1983 with GSU history and significant dates in GSU, national, and world history. It includes a diagram showing the companies that merged and eventually became Gulf States Utilities

A Brief History of GSU   PDF
A nine page type written history of GSU written around 1980.

Gulf States Magazine 1979 Vol 1 Issue 3   PDF
Endangerd Species, Governor Edwin Edwards, Author Bill Brett, Regulation, Name of the Game, Ils Sont Partis!, Pulling the Plug, The Other Edison

Gulf States Magazine 1980 Vol 2 Issue 2   PDF
Workhorses of the river, The Energy Store, Funny conservation tips, Baton Rouge WBRH, No place but Texas, Treasure is where you find it..., Silent sentinels of the coast, Come home to The Woodlands, Solar power, Energy saving is a breeze

Gulf States Magazine 1981 Vol 3 Issue 2   PDF
USS Kidd and Rene DeBlanc, John E Gray, Salvaging a part of Louisiana history, The ire of Texas is upon you, Going with the grain (rice), Q&A David Stockman, Co-ops stake in nuclear

Gulf States Magazine 1981 Vol 3 Issue 3   PDF
From Beaumont to Ballet - Robbie LaFosse, Helping third world nations, Riding in style, A new face on Rushmore?, Putting the sun to work, King of the Renaissance Festival, Stark Museum Navajo weavings, Shunpiking

Gulf States Magazine 1982 Vol 4 Issue 1   PDF
Taxidermist to Artist (Ron Louque), A portrait of an artist (Jerry Newman), Old King Coal makes a comeback, Safeguards for the environment, Beaumont's Babe, Ghost Squadron, Tex, you can have your Cotton-Eyed Joe, Hoofing it for a living, Is it 'Curtains' for energy savings?, Flower power, Shunpiking

Gulf States Magazine 1982 Vol 4 Issue 2   PDF
Oil industry jobs: No longer for men only, Training workers for the oil patch, Preparing for hot weather, Helping teachers pass on enthusiasm, Louisiana state capitol turns 50, Feasting in the fields and forests, Beaumont's Old Town changes, a Kaleidoscope weekend, Edison Plaza: GSU's model of efficiency, Shunpiking Contraband Days

GSU 50 Years anniversary brochure   PDF
GSU 50 Years anniversary brochure from 1975 with several older pictures.

GSU Recruiting Brochure from 1978   PDF
GSU recruiting brochure from 1978. Contain pictures of several employees.

Recruitment Brochure from around 1991   PDF
GSU recruiting brochure from 1991. Contain pictures of several employees.
Thanks to Tracy Hodges for sharing this with us.

Engineering Department Estimate Index 1930-1952   PDF
Lists estimated amounts for various projects - mostly in Texas. Amounts are in dollars. An example entry:
ED-8May 26, 1930Corrigan 33 KV Switching Station (Preliminary)23,300

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